We all know that not brushing and flossing your teeth causes cavities, however, have you ever wondered what exactly causes tooth decay and how you can help protect your smile from developing any problems?
Your mouth is home to colonies of microbes, including germs like fungus and bacteria. In fact, there are over 500 different species of bacteria in the human mouth, and while most of these tiny oral bacteria are harmless - others can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.
By not maintaining a healthy routine of brushing your teeth, harmful bacteria can grow in your mouth and form plaque that softens the enamel of the tooth and eventually will cause a hole as a result of the tooth being dissolved by bacteria and saliva.
So which of the bacteria found in our mouths cause cavities?
Today, we are giving you insight into some of the bad bacteria and how they affect your oral health and cause cavities.
- The biggest culprit of starting cavities is a bacteria called Streptococcus Mutans which is called S. Mutans for short! When the S. Mutans bacteria are in higher numbers, you are more likely to get cavities. Most often, species of streptococcus bacteria attack and cause cavities on the sides of the teeth. Such cavities can be difficult to detect visually and are best identified using x-rays.
- Lactobacillus Acidophilus is a type of bacteria that likes to bury itself deep in between your teeth. In doing so they can find all of the food that also gets stuck there making it the perfect little spot for this type of bacteria. This is why it’s so important to remember to floss! This type of bacteria is often seen in children under the age of 12 as well, so early education on tooth care is important.
- Odontomyces viscose bacteria live on the back of the tongue. They attack the exposed cementum, the hard outer layer of the root of your teeth, causing damage deep down.
It’s important to remember that although these bacteria are not a traditional disease, they can still transfer from mouth to mouth and that is why it’s so important to never share toothbrushes, even amongst close friends and family.
So How Can You Fight Back?
Through good oral hygiene practices, a healthy diet, and dental checkups! Brushing after meals, using antimicrobial mouthwash, and flossing at least once per day help to keep these disease-causing bacteria from reproducing in your mouth, and causing tooth decay. And, healthy diets that minimize sugary and starchy foods also help to keep those bad bacteria under control.
Doctor Plotka’s Mouthwatchers toothbrushes are designed with special flossing bristles and can easily reach places that other toothbrushes might miss and get deep in between the teeth where cavities form. They are infused with silver to eliminate bacteria, viruses and fungi from the bristles between uses. Give the BEST.BRUSH.EVER a try by visiting our shop and keeping those pesky bacteria away!